Podcast by Gareth Davies
Podcast by Gareth Davies
10 March 2025
SVT in pregnancy
Asking about gambling
Hypothermic cardiac arrest
Paediatric tracheitis and 'making the airway safe'
An unusual cause of headache
The utility of the resus room
08 February 2025
Episode 15!
Content includes:-
Chest trauma and the principles of analgesia.
Paediatric prolonged seizure management.
RCEM Safety flash around water beads.
Another instalment of Dr Sarah Noble's quality quest.
Major pelvic trauma
The usual collection of dad's jokes!
17 January 2025
In our final show of 2024 recorded before Christmas we sum up the successes of the year and bring to you highlights from the PEM service along with another case of thoracic aortic dissection that highlighted the value of our supra-regional policy in managing these patients. We also discuss carotid artery dissection and a chest pain case along with an audit of ACP Radiology requesting, a QI project on head injuries in children. A snippet of outtakes as well as a scattering of (what were) seasonal jokes when we recorded this episode!
Happy New Year!
05 December 2024
In this episode we cover:
Patients recording consultations
Recent changes to the UK death certification process
RCEM's Green ED initiative and a case of acute pancreatitis.
In our paediatric section we discuss the RCEM safety alert on handlebar injuries and learning from paediatric critical care cases- stabilisation of the sick child, double checking drug doses and burns.
Finally we introduce part 1 of our new mini-series on quality improvement methodology "Quality Quest" brought to you by our colleague and QI expert Dr Sarah Noble.
Hope you enjoy the show and as ever do let us know your thoughts about the podcast.
15 October 2024
This month our paediatric section includes a metabolic case and we talk about information sharing required by section 47 of the Children's Act and we update on how Martha's Law is being implemented in our trust.
In the adult section we discuss safeguarding adults where self neglect may be an issue, Acute Limb Ischaemia and Silver Trauma.
British Inherited Metabolic Diseases Group: https://www.bimdg.org.uk/site/index.asp
Martha's Rule:
Self Neglect- Section 14 Care Act 2014:
Peripheral Arterial Disease:
RCEM Silver Trauma Safety Alert:
23 September 2024
After a summer pause, we're back!
Topics include
Violence and aggression in the ED
Paediatric cardiac arrest debrief
Paediatric sepsis screening
Paediatric safeguarding and the 'shop floor curveball'
Managing the complex patient in high acuity environments.
POCUS and interdepartmental transfer 'the patient is in the wrong hospital'
Acute closed angle glaucoma
More eyes including lateral canthotomy